si .... a trecut si Craciunu ... mai e oleaca pana la Revelion si tot putin mai e si ma intorc in minunatul Iasi ... well let`s see ... had my ups and downs ... 2 zile am stat inchisa in casa si am fumat 6 tigari, in 2 zile :| am fost si sunt, destul de isterica pe faza asta ... raceala groaznica e de vina ... m-a lovit rau de tot cu febra, gat umflat, tuse, muci si alte kkturi din astea ... acu e pe duca, sper sa se duca de tot si mai repede ca nu o mai suport ... astazi tre sa apara si John ... avem rezervari de Revelion, ceea ce e bine, am reusit asa pe muchie de cutit sa ne facem rost de locuri toti 4 ... eu, john, dany si corina ... in rest, absolut nimic palpitant ... a plouat ca dracu aici, am racit mai toti ... si ma gandesc cam cu groaza la minunatul drum inapoi la Iasi, lung si cu un milion de bagaje si apoi scoala si stat in casa si cacaturi din astea ... yey story of my life :-J
a da, m-am indragostit din nou de Muse ... lipsisera ceva vreme din viata mea, s-au intors cu albumu asta nou :P
luni, decembrie 28, 2009
joi, decembrie 24, 2009
marți, decembrie 22, 2009
old shit
astazi am ras cu spume ... pe bune :)) se faceam ca vorbeam de una alta cu Raluk si am zis ia sa vedem ce ascund aceste vechi dvduri ce poze ce muzici ... pozele au fost rasu de pe lume ... pe langa diferite poze pe care le credeam sterse de mult, am gasit poze cu mine de acu cativa ani cand nu ma vedeam aici unde sunt acum si ... acum ma uit la poze si nu reusesc sa ma vad acolo unde am fost :)) ciudata treaba ... oricum ideea generala e ca ma vad tare schimbata si apoi ... am gasit multe din pozele de pe vremea aia cu o maria mereu trasa la fata, mult mai slaba si mai alba si anemica ... asa aratam? cum reuseam? :)) parca as mai incerca oleaca reteta aia de anemicitate ... a da stiu nu mancam, fumam mai mult, beam multa cafea si vineri, sambata si duminica era program special de alcool ... dar am avut o copilarie draguta :)) poza asta e de prin 2005 daca nu ma insel ... eh whatever ... :P
sâmbătă, decembrie 12, 2009
wished for something new
Am ajuns acasa ... ieri dimineata ... drumul a fost chiar OK ... am ajuns, m-am ocupat de trebile casnice si apoi hai cu ana pe afara ... am iesit la o bere in Vama - plin, am ajuns in Friends au venit si Ralu cu Gabi, plus alte diverse persoane ... eu m-am imbatat grav ... m-am intalnit cu diverse personalitati din tineretea mea zbuciumata gen cristi vecinu care mi-a umflat o mana ... si alte probleme din astea tehnice :)) am reusit pana la 2 sa beau asa bine incat sa scot tot ce am baut ... m-au adus acasa ralu si gabi :D si acu de 3 ore incerc sa-mi revin :)) si simt eu asa ca nu e bine sa ma mai duc too soon prin friends ala ca deja m-am facut cunoscuta mai mult decat vroiam ... tre sa-mi fac tricou cu i`m on a low profile :)) mda ... deci sosirea acasa e chiar OK ... it helps :D multumesc Ana, Ralu si Gabi =)) patriei si poporului :P
marți, decembrie 01, 2009
luni, noiembrie 30, 2009
eskobar ...
m-am indragostit ... irevocabil si din nou si acum ... de el, de melodie, de voce, de fata de versul asta de tot ... he rules :D
Yes we gave it a try
But maybe for too long
Think I was looking for trouble
Think I was looking for home in a foreign land
si nu mai zic :P
Yes we gave it a try
But maybe for too long
Think I was looking for trouble
Think I was looking for home in a foreign land
si nu mai zic :P
...sau feisbuc cum a zis Maje ... am fost stransa cu usa si pana la urma am cedat si eu :)) avem facebook, me myself and I :P am pus si poze si imi bat capu si cu farmville si cafe world noroc ca nu-mi merg, inca ... mi-e somn, abia astept sa merg acasa peste 2 saptamani si mi-e lene ... aseara a fost sesiune de limba spaniola prin casa, de fapt azi noapte ... si cartofi prajiti la 4-5 dimineata si psycho girlfriend ... fumez cam mult ... si mi-e somn cam des =))
vineri, noiembrie 27, 2009
bfore the lobotomy
Well I'm Not Stoned
I'm Just Fucked Up
I Got So High I Can't Stand Up
I'm Not Cursed Cause I've Been Blessed
I'm Not In Love Cause I'm A Mess
I'm Just Fucked Up
I Got So High I Can't Stand Up
I'm Not Cursed Cause I've Been Blessed
I'm Not In Love Cause I'm A Mess
marți, noiembrie 24, 2009
a walk through the garden of life
luni, noiembrie 23, 2009
blood brothers
And if you're taking a walk through the garden of life
What do you think you'd expect you would see?
Just like a mirror reflecting the moves of your life
And in the river reflections of me
Just for a second a glimpse of my father I see
And in a movement he beckons to me
And in a moment the memories are all that remain
And all the wounds are reopening again
We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
And as you look all around at the world in dismay
What do you see, do you think we have learned
Not if you're taking a look at the war-torn affray
Out in the streets where the babies are burned
We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
There are time when I feel I'm afraid for the world
There are times I'm ashamed of us all
When you're floating on all the emotion you feel
And reflecting the good and the bad
Will we ever know what the answer to life really is?
Can you really tell me what love is?
Maybe all the things that you know that are precious to you
Could be swept away by fate's own hand
We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
When you think that we've used all our chances
And the chance to make everything right
Keep on making the same old mistakes
Makes untipping the balance so easy
When we're living our lives on the edge
Say a prayer on the book of the dead
We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
And if you're taking a walk through the garden of life....
What do you think you'd expect you would see?
Just like a mirror reflecting the moves of your life
And in the river reflections of me
Just for a second a glimpse of my father I see
And in a movement he beckons to me
And in a moment the memories are all that remain
And all the wounds are reopening again
We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
And as you look all around at the world in dismay
What do you see, do you think we have learned
Not if you're taking a look at the war-torn affray
Out in the streets where the babies are burned
We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
There are time when I feel I'm afraid for the world
There are times I'm ashamed of us all
When you're floating on all the emotion you feel
And reflecting the good and the bad
Will we ever know what the answer to life really is?
Can you really tell me what love is?
Maybe all the things that you know that are precious to you
Could be swept away by fate's own hand
We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
When you think that we've used all our chances
And the chance to make everything right
Keep on making the same old mistakes
Makes untipping the balance so easy
When we're living our lives on the edge
Say a prayer on the book of the dead
We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
And if you're taking a walk through the garden of life....
joi, noiembrie 19, 2009
I get no sleep when you're around
can' put my thoughts back on the ground
i panic when i dive by daybreak
wondering was this just a big mistake
we got no istem in return
could grow old but never learn
the bedtime stories i've been told
make me tired by getting old
so hold on tight cause this might hurt
we lost ground and that might break you're heart
every time you look my way i fall
to the blue that pins me to this wall
you know me by my daylight face
sweet perfume a warm embrace
but if you could see the other person
uncontrolled and scary aversion
i try so hard to keep the grip
hold my tongue i bite my lip
because you mean so much to me
you are still just scared to see
so hold on tight i know it hurts
we lost ground and that broke both our hearts
every time you look my way i fall
into the blue that pins me to this wall
as they seem to be weightless
every time they seem weightless
seems to be weightless
can' put my thoughts back on the ground
i panic when i dive by daybreak
wondering was this just a big mistake
we got no istem in return
could grow old but never learn
the bedtime stories i've been told
make me tired by getting old
so hold on tight cause this might hurt
we lost ground and that might break you're heart
every time you look my way i fall
to the blue that pins me to this wall
you know me by my daylight face
sweet perfume a warm embrace
but if you could see the other person
uncontrolled and scary aversion
i try so hard to keep the grip
hold my tongue i bite my lip
because you mean so much to me
you are still just scared to see
so hold on tight i know it hurts
we lost ground and that broke both our hearts
every time you look my way i fall
into the blue that pins me to this wall
as they seem to be weightless
every time they seem weightless
seems to be weightless
sleeping my ass off
miles away
I just woke up from a fuzzy dream
You never would believe those things that I had seen
I looked in the mirror and I saw your face
You looked right through me, you were miles away
All my dreams they fade away
I'll never be the same
If you could see me the way you see yourself
I can't pretend to be someone else
You always love me more, miles away
I hear it in your voice, we're miles away
You're not afraid to tell me, miles away
I guess we're at our best when we're miles away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
When no one's around then I have you here
I begin to see the picture, it becomes so clear
You always have the biggest heart,
When we're six thousand miles apart
Too much of no sound
Uncomfortable silence can be so loud
Those three words are never enough
When it's long distance love
You always love me more, miles away
I hear it in your voice, we're miles away
You're not afraid to tell me, miles away
I guess we’re at our best when we're miles away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
I'm alright, don't be sorry, but it's true
When I'm gone you'll realize
That I'm the best thing that happened to you
You always love me more, miles away
I hear it in your voice, we're miles away
You're not afraid to tell me, miles away
I guess we're at our best when we're miles a-a-away...
You always love me more, miles away
I hear it in your voice, we're miles away
You're not afraid to tell me, miles away
I guess we're at our best when we're miles away
So far away
So far away
I just woke up from a fuzzy dream
You never would believe those things that I had seen
I looked in the mirror and I saw your face
You looked right through me, you were miles away
All my dreams they fade away
I'll never be the same
If you could see me the way you see yourself
I can't pretend to be someone else
You always love me more, miles away
I hear it in your voice, we're miles away
You're not afraid to tell me, miles away
I guess we're at our best when we're miles away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
When no one's around then I have you here
I begin to see the picture, it becomes so clear
You always have the biggest heart,
When we're six thousand miles apart
Too much of no sound
Uncomfortable silence can be so loud
Those three words are never enough
When it's long distance love
You always love me more, miles away
I hear it in your voice, we're miles away
You're not afraid to tell me, miles away
I guess we’re at our best when we're miles away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
I'm alright, don't be sorry, but it's true
When I'm gone you'll realize
That I'm the best thing that happened to you
You always love me more, miles away
I hear it in your voice, we're miles away
You're not afraid to tell me, miles away
I guess we're at our best when we're miles a-a-away...
You always love me more, miles away
I hear it in your voice, we're miles away
You're not afraid to tell me, miles away
I guess we're at our best when we're miles away
So far away
So far away
miercuri, octombrie 14, 2009

"Remember, whatever,
It seems like forever ago!"
este o minunata seara de octombrie ... a dracului de friguroasa si de vreo 2 zile ploua, da asta e alta treaba :)) buna melodie asta a fost ziua ta Ana ... La multi ani ... te-am serbat aici in felul meu ... a fost apoi si ziua lu tati ... la multi ani si tie ... desi de ziua ta nu pareai tocmai fericit ... scoala incepe tot mai in forta ... teme, chestii, whatever ... pe mine ma ia lenea tot mai tare si singuru lucru pentru care ma mai deranjez sa vad cum trec zilele e ziua mea pe care inca sper cu tarie sa o serbez la Buc cu toti oamenii care stiu ca ma asteapta acolea :D si-n rest ... viata e asa cum e ... chefu meu de viata e din ce in ce mai ... dar poate e doar astenia aia de toamna sau cum ii zice ... daca nu, asta e :)) mai sunt multe melodii si imagini ... da mi-e lene! :P take care.
miercuri, octombrie 07, 2009
high hopes

mda ... am inchis blogu asta, l-am inviat, iara l-am inchis, l-am uitat si asa mai departe ... acuma stergem prafu si mergem mai departe :P am separat totu si asta va fi un blog ... ca oricare altu, din ala in care te plangi, te razi si asa mai departe si asta va fi blogul pentru scoala ... mai nou ne trebuie si asa ceva ... whatever! ideea este ca na cine vrea e interesat sau whatever stie ce si cum ... acuma sunt in Iasi ... tot in Iasi ... minunat Iasul asta ... am niste ceva probleme cu spinarea si cu tiroida ... si cam atata, a inceput si scoala, as putea sa ma laud ca is a 4a pe facultate :P sau na in fine ... si sambata o sa fiu la Fotomaraton ... iar tot de sambata incep si sarbatorile Iasului cel minunat si anume: concerte si alte evenimente . In alta ordine de idei ... am mai cazut in butoiul ala ... acuma ascultam niste Pink Floid ... apoi m-am enervat ca am si niste kkturi de teme minunate care ma pasioneaza la culme, instalatii video si altele ... si cam atata ... take care!
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